ECD Fall Promo

Check out the new ECD Fall Promo released online yesterday. Featuring riding from Mclovin, Pat Quinn, Grant Bass, Jonathan Au, Derek Payne, Devin Albino, Nilo Hodge, Evan Smedley, Richard “Chopper Viands, Josh Stair, Nick Smith, AJ Herrera, James Hess, Butcher, Dustin Clewell and more. Filmed by Nilo Hodge and Jonathan Au and edited by Nilo Hodge.

Northampton BBQ Photos


ECD has a set of photos up from the Northampton BBQ held this passed weekend at the Northampton Skatepark. The photos were taken during the “Best Trick” contest held on the parks mini ramp and include shots of Clipper, Dustin Clewell, Ian Mace, and Nilo Hodge. You can view the complete set of photos by clicking here.